We love coffee, the smell, the setting it creates when
Ethiopia is where it all started
Ethiopia is generally considered to be the birthplace of coffee. A goat herd named Kaldi discovered the beans when his goats developed a liking for red berries. Coffee today is part of the Ethiopian culture and day to day lifestyle. It creates jobs, brings people together and also helps providing sustainable lifestyles.
Did you say berries?
Well yes, you guessed it. Coffee beans are actually berries, they are called beans because of the resemblance. Who knew coffee was a fruit??
People used to eat coffee?
Before the term brewing was invented for making our coffee. East African tribes used to mix coffee berries with animal fat and consumed it as food. Interesting right?
“Coffee” was not always called “coffee”
It is said that “coffee” entered the English language in the 16th century. It came from the Italian word “caffe” which comes from the dutch word “koffie” which was taken from the Ottoman Turkish “kahve,” which stemmed from Arabic “qahwah.” You see, it is true. Coffee brings different cultures together in the most unexpected ways.
Which one do you prefer?
Robusta and Arabica are the two main types of coffee. Robusta has a higher level of caffeine and is more acidic. While Arabica is popular for its unique flavour and low acidity.
We drink a lot of coffee!!
On average people consume about 2.25 billion coffees a day.
Music to our ears.
It is not a surprise that Beethoven was a huge coffee lover that he’d count 60 beans per cup before making his brew.
You could file for divorce because of coffee!
In Istanbul by the late 15th century, coffee shops were everywhere. Coffee was such a hit in the turkey culture that it gave women the power to divorce their husband if he neglected to provide her with a good amount of coffee.
Having a late start?
The smell of coffee has got you covered. Apparently just the smell can get you started for the day.
Let’s work out with some coffee!!!
Who knew caffeine would improve your metabolism while working out? Did you? Well guess what, increases your adrenaline and releases fatty acids. So have a coffee before your work out because it leads to better physical performance.
Even Elephants produce Coffee.
It is known as the Black Ivory Coffee, produced by Thai Elephants. This happens to also be the most expensive coffee in the world. Wait for it……. to add on to that, the coffee is made out of Elephant’s dung.
Date nights with coffee.
Rumor has that coffee is the preferred drink for Dates. Coffee adds a little romance to the date. The warmness as you stare into your partners eyes? Sounds amazing doesn’t it? This is why coffee has become a leading choice among couples and the coffee shops as perfect destinations for dates.