The Language & People Of Seychelles

The Language & People Of Seychelles

This week we bring to you the language & people of Seychelles. The people of Seychelles are known as Seychellois. The Seychellois people are a unique blend of Créole, Indian, Chinese, French and British Bloods. They lead a very simple life. The main languages are French, English and Creole. Seychellois are peaceful and friendly people who openly invite guests into their homes. It is a common gesture to present a gift when visiting someone’s home.

More than three-fourths of the population are Roman Catholics. There are also Anglicans, Christians of other denominations, Hindus, and Muslims. Religious holidays are celebrated in a big way. However, locals believe in spirits and magic. Relaxed way of life on the islands leads to positive effects on health – average life expectancy in Seychelles is higher than in Europe and exceeds 72 years.

Seychelles usually hosts fairs, where you can buy local crafts. Mostly it is household items and jewelry made of tortoiseshell, coir, coco de mer nuts. After visiting such fairs and markets there is no question what to bring from Seychelles as a souvenir, as the choice is huge. The Creoles created the village specifically to get tourists acquainted with the crafts, architecture and cuisine of Seychelles, and as a bonus to make money from their hobby. Tourism is a major source of income for 75% of the local population.

The Language & People Of Seychelles
Image courtesy of Michael Denousse


European and British, African, Indian and even Moorish cultures are intertwined in the traditions of the Seychelles people. All these cultures are reflected in the speech of the Creoles and in the art: music, dances, theatre. But of course, the greatest asset is the language.

The islanders are musical people, they like singing and dancing. Creoles wear masks and use traditional musical instruments in their dances, such as zez, bonm, makalapo and tam tam. The most popular Seychelles dance is moutia – rhymed chanting to rhythmic motions.

The Language & People Of Seychelles
Image courtesy of Michael Denousse



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