The Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa (FDSA) 

The Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa

The Flying Doctors’ Society – Go Places™ Recommended Charitable Organization

The Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa (FDSA) is a charitable organization set up in 1971 to raise funds to enhance medical outreach and access to medical emergency services in Africa. We offer short term (2 weeks to 2 months) and annual membership covering the whole of East Africa. As a member of FDSA you are entitled to free evacuation service in case of a life threatening emergency that would necessitate the use of the Flying Doctors to transport you to a medical facility in Nairobi. We channel all our unutilized membership subscriptions to support our Obstetric Fistula programme. Obstetric Fistula (or Vesico-Vaginal fistula –VVF) is a devastating condition that manifests itself as an abnormal communication between the urinary bladder and vagina, which leads to uncontrolled, continuous leakage of urine and/or faecal matter (for RVF cases).

This year, we partnered with Yetu Initiative, a partnership project between the Aga Khan Foundation and USAID that is geared towards strengthening our local fundraising capacity as well as mobilization of fistula beneficiaries. Together with our partners; Safaricom Foundation and Freedom from Fistula Foundation, we have restored dignity to women and mothers in a number of counties in Kenya e.g Kisii, Embu and others. We strive to reduce the effects of an untreated fistula to the women such as stigma, discrimination, isolation, poverty, psychological disorder and family breakdown enabling the women to contribute to community’s growth. With us, its people that matter!

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