We celebrate you our fans and customers for standing with us and walking with us in the journey of health. We thank you because our achievements wouldn’t be possible without you, our dear fans and[…]
Tag: omega 3
Our selection of Omega supplements just went a notch higher
Award winning Nordic Naturals, now at Healthy U shops! Nordic Naturals supplements are fresh, pure fish oil products with high Omega 3 value. Kids’ selection also available. WWW.HEALTHYU.CO.KE A Healthier U[…]
How to Get Rid of Acne Pt. 2 – Acne Routine
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that affects 75% of people between 11 to 30 years old. As was established in last week’s article (https://www.goplacesdigital.com/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-part-1-with-healthy-u/), there are a few tips and tricks to implement that[…]
How to Get Rid of Acne Pt. 1
Acne: can also include pimples Acne: it affects 3 in every 4 people aged 11 to 30 years Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. It is known for being in condition that causes[…]
Do You Maintain Your Car Better Than Your Body?
Did you know? Preventing car and health problems is eight times cheaper than fixing them! According to AutoMD.com data from January 2014, the total cost of maintaining a car is on average Kshs. 100,000/- Compare that[…]
Men’s Health – Age Gracefully
Age Gracefully – Men’s Health Age is inevitable. Despite the fact that it gets a bad reputation, aging does not need to be a dreadful process. At Healthy U, we want to support the lifestyles and[…]