Sharing Moments with Kenya National Culture and Tourism Festival 2021

The Kenya National Culture and Tourism Festival (NCTF) 2021, was held from November 11th to 13th at the KICC’s Tsavo BallRoom. With Kenya renowned for its rich tourist & wildlife and diverse culture from various ethnic groups, the event was an intriguing one as different counties showcased their very own cultural products.

This year’s Culture and Tourism festival theme was”Embracing our culture and tourism diversity for socio-economic development”. Communities from all across the country gathered to witness the colourful event presided over by government officials from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Heritage.


Ms Emily Njeru, the Deputy Director of Cultural Programs at the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO was in attendance during the opening ceremony and together with Mr Wycliffe Kafwa, the Chairman for the Planning and Organising Committee of this festival, they announced that the UNESCO program is in line with the festival’s theme and activities.

According to Jane Atudo, head of Performing Arts State Department for Culture and Heritage, she said that festivals are ideal avenues for showcasing cultural artefacts and performances by local communities. “Kenya plans to use festivals in order to promote the country’s cultural heritage,” said the government official. Jane spoke on behalf of Josephta Mukobe, Principal Secretary of the State Department of Culture and Heritage.

“Festivals are of importance all over the world. They serve as the identity of communities, venues for cultural dialogue, peacebuilding measures and enjoyment of a people’s culture and heritage,” Atudo pointed out.

“Communities, cultural groups, and local musicians can also take advantage of festivals to exhibit their cultural diversities through showcasing talent. When we celebrate our cultural diversity, we affirm to one another that we appreciate their existence and uniqueness that each one contributes to make a united peaceful Kenya,” she added.

At the three-day event, there were three different activities running including the Trade Exhibition On Culture and Tourism Expo, a Conference On Sustainable Cultural Tourism Development—various community elders gave their speeches, including Nabongo Peter Mumia the 2nd, the current King of the Wanga community, a sub-tribe of the Luhya tribe. There was also a session for cultural dance presentations from the Samburu warrior’s cultural dancers and Isukuti dancers from Kakamega County who entertained the guests with their charming traditional dances. I was thrilled by the Samburu dress code with their Akala sandals made from motor tires, their shangaas made of beads. I am a big fan of handmade ornaments.

For over 30 years, the NCTF has consistently been a gathering of the best of the sector’s professionals in Policy management, mould identification and remediation, lead-based trademark, environmental growth, sampling and analysis, quality, regulatory compliance audits, Communities and site assessments and management systems.

The festival aimed at encouraging information exchange between various professionals dealing with sector growth and providing workable, cost-effective solutions. Present at the annual event were the culture and tourism sector Stakeholders, Consultants, Financial Institutions, Educators, Trainers, Attorneys, Insurers, Community Elders, Counties, Physician, State Agencies, Lenders, NGO’s, Training Institutes, Manufacturers, Motor Vehicle Industries, Suppliers & Distributors, Diplomatic Agencies & Missions, Religious sectors, among others.

Also present at the event were the representatives from the States Department for Devolution. Such events are the sweet fruits of Devolution which came through the 2010 promulgated Kenyan constitution. Mr Jeremiah Nguma from Uganda High Commission read a speech on behalf of His Excellency Mr Hassan Wassawa Galiwango Ambassador of Uganda to Kenya. The closing of the event was officiated by Dr Keziah Odemba, Tourism Director from the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife.

Next year’s edition will be in March 2022 which will include Cultural Food Festival from various diverse Cultural Communities in Kenya and Africa. The venue will be confirmed soon. Follow this link and prepare to participate.

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