Revitalize, Invigorate And Just Exhale With Sinja

Because Life is Either A Daring Adventure or Nothing At ALL

Stressed out – Help I need a holiday?!?

Oh no, it is already Friday again and I can’t even remember where the time went!

Do you know this feeling when you realize the week is already over and you ask yourself how could this happen so fast? What have you been doing for yourself? We get so busy with our work and family that we forget to be mindful, to take a break and think about us. But should the aim of life not be to find out how to live in the moment and to do what we enjoy most?

Writing this blog post I am sitting at Shela Beach in Lamu Island, listening to nature, the sounds of the waves and the birds sparkling. There is nothing more powerful to me than to sit at the beach and to feel the power of the morning hours while watching the sunrise.

A perfect day for me starts after an early morning walk at the beach and swim in the ocean with a coffee at Peponi House directly at the beach, followed by a yoga session where you can fully connect with your inner self, forget about your worries and recharge your soul with new positive energy.

When was the last time you took a break from your busy schedule just for yourself? You deserve your holidays now! 

Travel With Sinja helps you to unplug, rejuvenate and re-connect. We are here to dream, plan and organize your next holiday in East Africa with you.



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Call: +254 715 486 703


Wellness Safari

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