Nairobi’s Funkiest Band
Describe the Beathogs band. Who are you? What’s the meaning of the band name, How many members do you have? And how long have you been playing together?
We’re live music experts and party starters. We’re a premium 9 piece band specializing in high-energy music for festivals, weddings, corporate events, and private functions, we have played for 10 years in Kenya. We infuse every event with energy and fun and pride ourselves on filling dance floors.
Tell us the story of how you all came together
The Beathogs actually started out being a classic rock n roll band, playing covers around Nairobi from 2006-2009. After a few band members had to travel to other countries for different reasons in 2009, Andy Salmon decided to reform the band with Wim Eising and they introduced new musicians and quickly realized we liked a bigger and funkier band.
We started out playing the album to Lock Stock and Three Smoking Barrels movie soundtrack songs, they were a massive hit and from this, we created an extended repertoire of funk, reggae, dub, Drum n Bass, and soul music.
After many years we have now played at every event in Kenya and looking forward to higher sights!
How would you describe your sound?
High energy and fun. We love it when we increase the energy in others.
How was the experience with UB40’S recent performance in Kenya?
Absolutely amazing sharing the stage with UB40, we were blessed enough to get to meet them and hang out backstage. Always fun to play
What are some of your memorable performances together?
The most notable was sharing the stage with Kool and the Gang back in 2016, that was incredible too. Diani Beach Festival and Rift Valley Festival were also very cool.
Do you have a favorite genre of music that you like to play?
Funk & Soul
What’s the next big thing for you?
We’ve set our sights in 2020 for performing at Koroga Festival and going back to Zanzibar for new year’s party show!
How can people access your music?
Soundcloud and Youtube