Why you should always purchase natural cosmetics over conventional ones
Men and women alike, everyone in today’s world uses cosmetics. Cosmetics are the broad range of products that are used to care for the face and the body.
With products ranging from cleansing, moisturizing, makeup and shaving, the list is more extensive than we may pay attention to. Even more extensive, however, are the list of chemicals in the products.
Most conventional cosmetics contain chemicals that are cheaper to manufacture, last on the shelf longer, and have properties such as artificial fragrances, dyes and colours. And as we are told, good things do not come easy.
Numerous chemicals that are used in conventional cosmetics may contain harmful properties. These include parabens, colourants, sulphates, aluminum and ammonium.
Without getting into too much detail, the chemicals listed above may be harmful to your health, especially whist used in the long run and absorbed by the skin into your body.
Natural cosmetics have many advantages over conventional ones. This includes;
1. Safety
- You may want confirmation that you are staying away from questionable chemicals.
2. Environmental impact
- Chemicals that aren’t good for your body are also not good for the environment and other living organisms. Another way to show environmental support is to choose products that contain less chemicals.
3. Less allergens
- You are staying away from the main allergy triggers (such as artificial fragrances).
4. Natural ingredients
- These are usually made from high quality ingredients, plant or herb extracts.
Get the largest range of natural cosmetics in Kenya. Only at Healthy U branches!
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