Kenya Wildlife Service Gathers Stakeholders for Vital Conservation Fee Validation

World Ranger Day 2021 - Celebrating Unsung Keepers of the Wild

Dr. Erustus Kanga, the Director General of the Kenya Wildlife Service, gathered tourism and conservation stakeholders and partners at Nairobi National Park on August 17 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to validate the proposed KWS Conservation Fees, applicable from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025.

Recognizing the profound importance of these conservation fees, Dr. Kanga underscored their critical role in maintaining Kenya’s valuable wildlife resources. He acknowledged the extensive responsibilities carried by the KWS and emphasized the urgent need for additional resources to ensure the protection, security, and well-being of both the wildlife and the communities residing near the parks.

In line with the government’s Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), the Director General highlighted KWS’s commitment to aligning its conservation goals with Kenya’s broader development ambitions.

The stakeholders and partners expressed their appreciation for KWS’s earlier efforts in organizing public participation forums and for considering their feedback and suggestions, including adjustments for different seasons, rates for visitors from the rest of Africa, preferential rates for persons with disabilities, and the introduction of new tourism experiences. Fostering a collaborative spirit, these stakeholders and partners contributed valuable insights on the proposed fee structure, which will be thoroughly reviewed before official implementation.

Moments at the Event

Images courtesy of KWS

Voice of Tourism

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