Importance Of Routine Eye Examination – Eyeris The Optometrists

Why Is Routine Eye Examination Important

Eye exams are essential to monitoring your eye health and ensuring the best possible vision. Most adults should see an eye doctor at least every two years to ensure healthy vision. Growing children, adults over 40 years, and people suffering from certain conditions such as diabetes and glaucoma need to be seen every six months unless otherwise advised. Identifying potential problems early can prevent irreversible damage.

Eyeris the Optometrists provides every patient with an eye exam conducted with the latest training and technology. Their expertise enables them to provide care for individuals of all ages, from infants to adults.

If there’s a history of genetic eye conditions in your family, it’s important that you and your children routinely undergo a routine eye exam. The earlier these conditions are detected, the better. This is especially true for kids, given how essential vision skills are to early childhood development. Remember: vision skills, such as focusing your eyes and using the information gathered from sight, don’t come naturally to children—these skills have to be learned through visual stimulation. As such, vision conditions can hamper their development.

It is important that one is examined by a qualified Ophthalmic Optician or Optometrist who can determine the refractive status of the eye and also examine the back of the eye for any ocular abnormality. If anything abnormal is detected, the Optometrist refers the patient to an Ophthalmologist for further evaluation.

Aside from routine eye examinations, there’s not much you can do about your genetic risk factors. That’s why it’s even more important that you make the necessary lifestyle changes to minimize the other risk factors.

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EYERIS – Qualified Optometrists Carrying Out Routine Eye Examination

Here are some tips on maintaining your eye health:

  • Moderate exercise – Moderate exercises, such as brisk walking or jogging, can lower intraocular pressure (IOP). However, it’s best to avoid doing headstands or shoulder stands during yoga, as, these can raise your IOP.
  • Wear protective eyewear – Always protective eyewear whenever you’re playing high-speed racket sports, or doing home improvement projects, to prevent eye trauma.
  • Eat a healthy diet – Eating a diet rich in nutrients essential to eye health, such as zinc, copper, selenium, and vitamins C, E, and A, can help prevent glaucoma from worsening. Eating fatty fish rich in omega-3 acids and controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol can reduce your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.
  • Sleep with your head slightly raised – Sleeping with a wedge pillow that’s raised about 20 degrees can help lower IOP.
  • Quit smoking – Quitting smoking reduces your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration by 2-3 times.

Ready to enjoy the best vision products and services and more tips on maintaining your vision health? Schedule an appointment today call or visit Eyeris the Optometrist.

Definition Of Some Optical Jargon

Emmetropia: Normal vision.

Hypermetropia: Long sight. Faraway objects are clear and nearby ones may be blurred.

Myopia: Short sight. Near objects are clear, but faraway objects are blurred.

Astigmatism: Irregular curvature of the eye. The eyeball is not spherical; the effect of which is a blur, which is experienced both a t distance and near vision.

Presbyopia: As you approach your early forties, you may find the need to hold your newspaper away to read properly. This occurs when the lens inside your eyeball loses its flexibility and can be corrected with reading glasses. If you already wear spectacles for distance vision, then bifocal or varifocal lenses are required.

Keratoconus: A developmental anomaly in which the central position of the cornea becomes thinner and bulges in a cone-shaped fashion. The main symptom is loss of vision.

Cataract: Partial or complete loss of transparency of the crystalline lens.

Glaucoma: Eye disease characterized by elevated or unstable pressure in the eye which can lead to damage of the eye’s structure or impairment of its function.

Conjunctivitis: Inflammation of the conjunctiva. It may be due to an allergy, an infection, an irritant (e.g. dust, chemical fumes, etc.), or as a complication of influenza, hay fever etc. Symptoms include pain, itching, redness, and discharge from the eyes.

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Mobile: +254 718 181 000 | +254 735 181 000

Eyeris The Optometrists

EYERIS always aims at exceeding expectations. When you become a patient of this practice, the health of your eyes will be their first concern, the second being to get the best possible visual performance for all your lifestyle needs.

Meet The Team

With a team of optometrists and dispensing opticians who specialize in visual correction and thorough care of the eyes, Eyeris has the latest techniques and equipment used in examining and safeguarding one’s sight.

Left to Right: Anjali Chakrabarti (Optometrist & Contact Lens Practitioner), Faiza Darwesh (Optometrist & Contact Lens Practitioner) & Rajul Patel (Dispensing Optician)

Vision and Style being their driving words, EYERIS is committed to setting a standard of excellence. The practice prides itself with the latest advances in eye health care practices having an array of the most up-to-date vision care technology.

Some of the services and products include routine eye examinations for persons of all ages; thorough retinal examination using advanced technology; dispensing of spectacles by professionals who will advise you on the choice of the frame with comfort and cosmesis in mind; designer and budget eyewear; contact lens fitting, including specialized lenses for astigmatism and keratoconus and low visual aids.

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