How to Make The Perfect Homemade Brewed Coffee with Tomoca Coffee Africa

Imagine a world in which coffee did not exist…Scary right? Especially Tomoca coffee. The thought of it probably made you wonder why someone would even dare to imagine that! Now that we have your attention, we are going to teach you how to make the best coffee at home using Tomoca coffee.


Unfortunately, due to all that is happening around Nairobi, most of you have not had the opportunity to pass by our Two Rivers branch to enjoy the house favorites. So today, Tomoca is here to help bring the coffee to you.


Tomoca is all about good quality, affordable prices and family. let us teach you how to create the best Tomoca coffee from the comfort of your home, and give you an excuse to bring your family and friends together for a cup of coffee. You can trust that Tomoca will bring you nothing but amazing coffee and good vibes all around.


Let us begin.


What you will need:

  • Tomoca Medium Roast coffee (Medium, Medium – Course or Course Ground). If you like your coffee very strong you can opt for the Dark roast.
  • Hot water of between 92°C – 96°C
  • Brewing equipment (French press, chemex, drip coffee brewer or cooking pan)



Easy right?


Now let’s go a step further. Here is how you can brew your coffee:

  1. For filter coffee equipment, use at least 18 grams and no more than 30grams of Tomoca Medium Roast coffee depending on the strength of coffee you prefer.
  2. Rinse your filter papers with hot water to remove the paper smell or rinse your equipment to keep it warm before brewing.
  3. Scoop enough coffee (between 18g-25g) into your equipment then add hot water, double the amount of coffee i.e., if you use 18g of coffee, first pour 36g of water (250 ml)
  4. Wait 30 seconds, then pour the rest of the water to complete the brewing.



Not to worry if you don’t have the brewing equipment, we have something for you! Let’s make some coffee with a cooking pan (also known as a sufuria)


  1. Bring one or two cups of water to boiling point (bubbly).
  2. Turn off the gas and let it settle for at least one and a half minutes (1 minute 30 seconds) for the water to cool down to the preferred brewing temperature (92°C – 96°C).
  3. Add at least 2 table spoonful’s of Tomoca Medium Roast Course Ground coffee (or whichever coffee you prefer).
  4. Cover the pan for at least one and a half minutes for the coffee to brew and extract most of its fruity floral and syrupy sweet flavors that Tomoca is famous for.
  5. Remove the lid, stir or swirl the coffee gently, sieve the coffee and serve.



Want to know a little Tomoca secret?

You should try and sniff the cup before drinking the coffee, for mixed fruity like aromas and then sip to taste the mixed fruity like sweetness, caramel flavors, medium syrupy smooth body and medium bright pleasant acidity.


This part of the article goes out to all the coffee lovers but those who like to add some milk to the mixture.

  1. Following the steps above, increase the amount of ground coffee.
  2. Heat your milk to just before it gets to its boiling point. (between 65°C-70°C)
  3. Pour the milk into an empty French press, press the French press lever into the milk repeatedly until you get foamy milk.
  4. Remove the French press lid and pour the milk into your brewed coffee before the foam splits from the milk.



Not to worry latte lovers, you can still enjoy your very own latte with a cooking pan.


If you don’t have a French press, use your pan to heat the milk to between 65°C -70°C. Use a wire whisk and whisk the milk until you get a foamy milk texture.


And there you have it! Thank you for welcoming Tomoca into your homes. Now invite some people over and have a wonderful cup of coffee. Bon Appetit!



P.S. Here’s a little Tomoca tip:

It’s best if you have a French press or a Moka pot for making both a home-based espresso, and for texturing milk for a latte or Cappuccino. However, using the cooking pan will still get you an amazing coffee right in the comfort of your home.


Speaking of which, we have a little surprise for you this beautiful November, to make sure you can still enjoy the magic Tomoca has to offer at home.


For more information, please visit our social media handles on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and let’s bring the coffee to you.


We cannot wait to see what you come up with at home with Tomoca.


Phone number: +254110097919

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