Herbivore Garden Centre

Special Discount

Herbivore Garden Centre is a Plant Nursery and Garden Centre that supplies salad, vegetable, herb, fruit, exotic flowers, succulent’s seedlings and many other gardening accessories. Our founder, Suraj Shah, started this project from his family home in Thika (Kenya) where he grew up surrounded by a family who were passionate about farming and gardening. With the green fingers passed down through generations, Suraj is a Permaculture Design Consultant and a passionate herb (amongst many other vegetables and fruits) gardener having grown herbs for over 10 years both commercially and for domestic use.

At Herbivore Garden Centre we believe that every person is an extension of Mother Nature and therefore we should grow at least a small part of our daily food intake. Whether in a few pots in your apartment balcony or in a dedicated food garden, we have an amazing range of seedling for you! Get growing today with any of our many herbs, salads, vegetables and fruits on offer.


We are offering a 15% discount for online orders, Go Places readers need to enter the code herbivoregoplaces2020 during checkout (valid until end May) https://www.herbivore.co.ke/discount/herbivoregoplaces2020

For More Information

Call:  0759067628 

Email: grow@herbivore.co.ke

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