Heaven Seems A Little Closer At The Beach This January

Beach Holiday Destination

Escape the January hustle and bustle and treat yourself to a beach holiday at Serena Beach Resort and Spa. The beach resort  is an oasis of tranquility framed by whispering coconut palms, lush gardens and one of the most beautiful white-sand beaches on the Indian Ocean.

Discover a whole new level of relaxation and comfort at this warm, family-friendly tropical paradise in Mombasa, Kenya. Find the most tailored option to make their stay in Mombasa the greatest one of them all.

For More Information

Serena Beach Resort & Spa
Cell: +254732125000
Email: MSBHReservations@serena.co.ke

Serena Sales Centre, Nairobi
Tel: +254709998333
Cell: +254732123333
Email: cro@serena.co.ke

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