Go Places Magazine April/May 2020 Is Now Out!

Adventure Edition



We pray that you, your families, staff and clients are safe and in great health. These are truly hard and challenging times for all businesses especially the hospitality industry. The world has changed overnight and nothing will ever be the same again.

However, as the Go Places™ team, we are spreading love and light to each and every individual in this world as we face and get adjusted to a new normal. Let’s use this time to learn ourselves and know who we are. Then share that with the world. Let your light shine brighter than ever.

Go Places™ appreciates you, our partner and we stand together as one during this period. We are in this together.

Our dedicated staff and account managers will continue to serve you and make sure that all your needs, inquiries and clarifications are well addressed. Go Places understands the situation that we are in at the moment, however, we are optimistic that the sun will shine again. We are praying that the global pandemic is contained soon. Looking forward to a continued successful friendship and business relationship.

Here is what we have prepared for you in this issue.

Sharing is Caring :)