Join us for a Conservation Masterclass + Live Virtual Experience
Thursday 28th January at 14:00 – 15:30 (UTC).
A 90-minute masterclass led by actress Shannon Elizabeth, followed by a live virtual experience of darting Munu, a blind Black Rhino, to perform a medical check and remove its horn to protect it from poachers.
Experience the live dehorning of Munu the Rhino. Join Shannon Elizabeth and her team for this procedure, live questions and a unique up close experience. Register here for only £50:
Munu is a rare type of Black Rhino who was blinded during territorial fights with other rhinos and his chances of making it out in the wild looked slim. The fighting left him with both his retinas detached. Arrangements were made for his relocation to Founders Lodge where he is now homed and cared for in a secure and spacious sanctuary.
The time has come for Munu’s horn to be removed, as it poses a very real risk to his safety because of its value on the black market and the spike in poaching during the current pandemic. Rest assured that the procedure will not be painful for Munu, as rhino horn is made of keratin – the same stuff as our hair and nails.
Munu is part of a bigger conservation breeding plan to increase the numbers of this rare subspecies for release into the wild. The funds raised from this masterclass will go towards caring for Munu, administered by the .