Exhibitions at The National Museums of Kenya

Exhibitions at The National Museums of Kenya

Below are the ongoing Exhibitions at the National Museums of Kenya.

Alfajiri Street Kids Art

Alfajiri Street Kids is a registered community-based organization in Nairobi reaching out to
street children and orphans through providing a safe space and a range of programmes with a
unique focus on art therapy. Children are taught the importance of developing their talents, their
characters and their lives.
Alfajiri Street Kids Art started its exhibition at the National Museums of Kenya on 16th October
2021 and it will run until 11th Nov 2021. The exhibition is taking place at the Creativity Gallery.



Mkapa Exhibition

The Mkapa Exhibition is organized by the African Wildlife Foundation. The African Wildlife
Foundation is the primary advocate for the protection of wildlife and wildlands as an essential
part of a modern and prosperous Africa. The exhibition was launched on 28th October 2021 at
the Nairobi National Museum and it will run until 28th January 2022. The exhibition is taking
place at Creativity Gallery.


Zamani Chronicles by Shujaa Stories/Spellcast/NMK


The exhibition is about Heroes of African Prehistory research. It’s celebrating the unsung heroes
in African prehistory. The exhibition began in the last two weeks of October and is taking place
at the Small Temporary Exhibition hall and will close by end of December 2021.



Turkana Tools: The Dawn of Technology

National Museums of Kenya in joint collaboration with the French Embassy, Nairobi is
presenting an exhibition that is as a result of 25 years of collaboration between the French
Mission Préhistorique au Kenya (MPK) and the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) who,
working together as the West Turkana Archaeological Project (WTAP), have made critical
discoveries about early human evolution in Kenya.
In particular, 2021 marks the 10-year anniversary since WTAP discovered the world’s oldest
(3.3 million-year-old) the archaeological site at Lomekwi 3 in West Turkana: a major discovery that
showcases Kenya as the ‘cradle of innovation’. When announced in 2015, this game-changing
the discovery was the subject of a press conference at NMK attended by the Director-General, which
was broadcast in global news media. In 2020, WTAP director Sonia Harmand, with Mathieu
Guérin of the French Embassy in Nairobi, developed the CONFMAP (Consolidating the future through Mapping project, which marks this milestone by celebrating and building upon existing
Franco-Kenyan cooperation in developing Kenyan paleosciences.) The exhibition will be
launched on 2nd December 2021.

Pollination and Beekeeping Exhibition

Exhibitions at National Museums of Kenya

Beekeeping is an ancient practice that has existed for thousands of years along with human
civilization. Unfortunately, knowledge in beekeeping, as well as bee pollination, is virtually
low in Kenya. The beekeeping exhibition aims to promote knowledge in beekeeping and the
role of bees in economic development as well as cultural practices and beliefs.
Given the unique intelligence of honeybees, the exhibition also aims to promote STEM
education among scholars at all levels interested in research and development.

Watu, Viatu na Mavazi by Erik Stikky – February 2022

Renaissance of a vision 3 (Exhibition addressing a National Art Gallery) NMK –
February 2022


Contact The National Museums of Kenya on +254203742131


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