Ethiopian Airlines Holidays
Ethiopian Airlines (ET) held a product presentation event at the Ethiopian embassy in Nairobi on the 23rd of January, 2020. The presentation was geared towards promoting the relationship between Ethiopia and Kenya.
Go Places, a media partner of Ethiopian Airlines for over 17 years, was in attendance. CEO Mansoor Jiwani was part of the guests invited to take part in the conversation. Also in attendance were other media representatives as well as tour operators.
The opening remarks were made by the deputy ambassador to Kenya, who later introduced the Ethiopian ambassador, HE. Meles Alem Tikea. He emphasized how easy it is for Kenyans to travel to Ethiopia, comparing it to traveling between two Kenyan cities.
He also encouraged the Kenyan government to promote tourism to Ethiopia, the country of origin. Ethiopia is a culturally-rich tourist destination, offering a wide range of activities for travelers to choose from. From bungee jumping over the famous Livingstone Bridge to visiting Lalibela and witness a Leaping Ceremony, also known as Bull Jumping – a famous ceremony among the Hamer tribe. The prime minister’s palace has also been opened to the public. Visitors to the palace can enjoy spending time in the recently-opened unity park that features six attraction sites.
In addition, country manager for Ethiopian Airlines, Yilma Goshu Gobena, talked about several UNESCO Heritage sites and destinations within the country.
Currently, about 40,000 Kenyans travel to Ethiopia per year. Ethiopian Airlines is looking to play a part in increasing these numbers.
Citizens from countries that require a visa when visiting Ethiopia can apply for the E-visa from the comfort of their homes and pay for the application online. The process takes at most three days. They can also use ET Holidays, a product of the Ethiopian Airlines, to plan an itinerary for their visit to Ethiopia.
The Addis Ababa Bole International Airport is due to be expanded, and will soon be able to accommodate 100 million per year. In addition, a new-generation, the international airport will be built in the near future.
The expansion of the Ethiopian Skylight Hotel is also a project in progress.
Located only five minutes away from the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, it’s the perfect place for first-time visitors to Ethiopia to stay. The Hotel will increase its capacity to host more guests at a time by building additional rooms which will eventually bring the current number up from 360 to 1,000.