AviaDev 2018 Official Launched By  Jon Howell


AviaDev 2018 Officially Launched

If you are going to promote an aviation conference, how do you do it? By jumping out of a plane of course! Jon Howell Managing Director, AviaDev recently took to the skies to launch AviaDev. The Aviation Development Conference is scheduled to take place in Capetown South Africa On 12 – 14 June 2018

AviaDev is also excited to launch AviaDev Insight – the first podcast dedicated to the African aviation industry.  Created by Jon Howell the series will bring prominent industry voices to the table to establish the “ground truth” in an informal and candid fashion.  Listen Now.

About AviaDev

Now entering its third year, AviaDev Africa is the only forum that is dedicated to growing connectivity to, from and within the African continent. Bringing together airports, airlines, tourism authorities, governments and industry suppliers, AviaDev offers attendees the ability to pre-arrange meetings in professional surroundings, offering the best chance to make a real connection.

IATA have identified that the top 10 fastest growing aviation economies over the next 20 years will all be in Africa and AviaDev aims to facilitate this growth through its world class conference programme, meeting system and unrivalled networking opportunities. 

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