Exclusive Savings Await, Serena’s Prestige Loyalty Card

Prestige Loyalty Club Perks, Unlock Discounts At Serena Hotels

Elevate your travel experiences with Serena Hotels’ Prestige Loyalty Card, where opulence meets affordability. For our valued Prestige members, Serena Hotels is thrilled to offer a range of irresistible discounts across their properties. From the bustling streets of Nairobi to the serene shores of Lake Kivu in Goma, they have got you covered.

With the Prestige Loyalty Card, you can savour discounts ranging from 7.5% to a generous 15%. Whether you are planning a business trip, a family vacation, or a romantic getaway, these discounts make your stay even more special.

And for those who haven’t yet joined the Prestige Loyalty Club, now is the perfect time to unlock a world of benefits and privileges. Do not miss out on the opportunity to experience unparalleled luxury at a fraction of the cost. Join Prestige and embark on a journey where exceptional experiences and savings converge. Your next adventure awaits!

Tiered Discounts:

Classic Membership: 10% off

Gold Membership: 12.5% off

Paltinum Membership: 15% off

In elevating your dining experience, every Gold and Platinum card holders can enjoy a 7.5% discount on all food and beverages.

Terms & Conditions:

1. Prestige Membership number to be provided during the booking process and upon check-in for verification. *If not a member, the applicable Best Available Rate for dates booked at the respective hotel, will apply.

2. Discounts applicable on every online accommodation booking done via the Serena website

3. Offer applicable for bookings done for our Serena Africa city hotels that include; Nairobi Serena Hotel, Kampala Serena Hotel, Kigali Serena Hotel, Dar es Salaam Serena Hotel & Goma Serena Hotel.

Earn, Redeem, Experience with Serena Prestige Club.


Terms and Conditions Apply


For More Information, please contact

Serena Hotels Sales Centre

+254 732 123 333 / +254 709 998 333

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