Courtesy Of Tour Operators Society Of Kenya
1. Adopt Cloud Technologies
Cloud based property management systems are able to control all operations at anytime from anywhere. Property management systems can bring benefits to the hotel e.g. if the software goes with mobile apps it can help to engage guests without personal contact.
2. Attract Millennial Travelers
Millennial’s are more fearless and more desiring of unique experiences. They would love to take advantage of the crazy low prices showing no fear of the virus. Millennial’s are more in tune with advances in mobility and social media looking for deals, offers and 24/7 services.
3. Use These Time For Hotel, Parks and Other Establishments To Do Maintenance And Renovations
This is the time to carry out spontaneous renovation, conduct a deep cleaning maintenance.
4. Focus On Meal Delivery From Restaurants To Rooms or Homes Since Hotels Are Operating The Take Away Services At The Moment
5. Stay up-to-date On Available Forms of Relief
Be aware of government assistance and financial support during this time e.g.cut taxes, support grant funds, low interest working loans.
6. Reconsider Existing Health And Safety Techniques, Policies and Procedures
Hoteliers should monitor the health conditions of their employees. Hoteliers should implement, amend, reconsider, update or adopt set protocols to ensure staff don’t spread the virus.
The measures include:
- Introduce self-service pay systems
- Order online through mobile apps
- Non-contact service and order deliveries
- Complimentary hand sanitizer stations at entrance and exit.
- Suspension of unnecessary work-place gatherings.
- Readiness to deal with staffing reductions.
7. Ensure Accuracy Of The Information On The Virus
Tourism Stakeholders should ensure they spread accurate information to customers and employees from genuine and trusted sources.